
When things such as Fences and pipelines are run parallel to High Voltage Power Lines.  Voltages can be induced in them.  These voltages can either be due to electromagnetic induction caused by transformer action between the pipelines and the power lines or they can be due to electrostatic coupling between the conductors and the pipeline. 
These voltages are usually very weak.  However, the voltages can rise to levels where they present a danger of electrocution. The three phases in the power lines are designed to cancel the magnetic field of one another.  Electromagnetic induction is usually caused when the loading on the three lines is not perfectly balanced.  This problem can be overcome by grounding pipelines and fences at regular intervals. 

Right of Way refers to the right of the transmission or distribution utility over the strip of land the lines pass through.

Transmission companies make payments to landowners to get a right-of-way of the land beneath the transmission lines.  The length and width of the right of way depends on the voltage of the transmission lines and the height of the transmission structures.  

Right of way usually includes the right to trim trees which can be potentially dangerous by either touching the lines or falling on them.  No structure can be constructed on the right way which may  reduce the ground clearance.  

Fences or pipelines which run beneath the lines shall be grounded.  The utility reserves the right to cut any vegetation which grows beyond a specified height.  Digging the ground for trenches shall not be permitted as they may weaken the foundation of the towers.